Mosque Agung Cianjur

Mosque Agung Cianjur

mesjid agung cianjur 2013
Cianjur magnificent Grand Mosque is located in the center of Cianjur which was first built in 1810 AD by residents Cianjur unrecorded names. Built on waqf land Ny. Raden Bodedar bint Kangjeng Sabiruddin Dalem, Regent Cianjur to – 4.
Mosque was originally 400 meters wide. that evolved into 2500 meters and encountered several improvements to the last huge seventh times from 1993 to 2000 or approximately seven years at a cost of approximately Rp. 10 Billion. Design and stylasinya blends style and characteristic mosques past with modern architectural style and can accommodate about 4000 worshiper.