Baraya Cianjur

Cianjur district, is a district in West Java province, Indonesia. The capital is located in the district of Cianjur.

Mosque Agung Cianjur

Cianjur magnificent Grand Mosque is located in the center of Cianjur which was first built in 1810 AD by residents Cianjur unrecorded names. Built on waqf land Ny. Raden Bodedar bint Kangjeng Sabiruddin Dalem, Regent Cianjur to – 4.

Situs Gunung Padang

Situs Gunung Padang Mountain site is located in Kampung Padang Padang and Kampung Gunung Panggulan , Village Karyamukti Campaka District , Cianjur.

Tomb Dalem Cikundul

tomb where dimakamkannya Regent Cianjur First, R. Wira Tanu Aria Aria Wangsa Bin Goparana (1677 - 1691) who became known by the name of Dalem Cikundull.


is a railway station located on Jl. Julius Usman, darling, Cianjur, Cianjur Cianjur central.

Mosque Agung Cianjur

Mosque Agung Cianjur

mesjid agung cianjur 2013
Cianjur magnificent Grand Mosque is located in the center of Cianjur which was first built in 1810 AD by residents Cianjur unrecorded names. Built on waqf land Ny. Raden Bodedar bint Kangjeng Sabiruddin Dalem, Regent Cianjur to – 4.
Mosque was originally 400 meters wide. that evolved into 2500 meters and encountered several improvements to the last huge seventh times from 1993 to 2000 or approximately seven years at a cost of approximately Rp. 10 Billion. Design and stylasinya blends style and characteristic mosques past with modern architectural style and can accommodate about 4000 worshiper.

History Cianjur

History Cianjur

Three centuries ago is a historic moment for Cianjur. Based on written historical sources, since the year 1614, the area of ​​Mount Gede and Mount Pangrango there under Kesultana Mataram. Around the 2nd of July 1677 stated, Raden Tanu son Wira R. A. Goparana Dalem Sagara dynasty Herang a duty to maintain the area Cimapag. Tanu Wira effort to maintain this area, closely related to the insistence of the Dutch / VOC when it is like to try to establish cooperation with the Sultan of Mataram Amangkurat I. But the patriotic attitude Amangkurat I do not want to work with Dutch / VOC cause he must be willing to leave the palace dated 2 July 1677


The incident gave the sense that after the Mataram distanced themselves from the area in Cianjur kekuasaannya.Informasi until ten days later, on 12 July 1677. On this basis, it was determined that Cianjur anniversary falls on 12 July 1677 as set out in the regulations No. . 27, 1982, Gazette No. area . 4 1982 Series D dated 17 July 1982 regarding the determination of the anniversary of Cianjur . R. A. Wira Tanu I set as the first regent of Cianjur protect tatar between years 1677-1691 In the mid 17th century there pertindahan people of Sagara Herang along with the entry Djajasansana son Raden R. A. Wangsa Goparana of which is a descendant Suana Talaga Talaga who converted to Islam . While Talaga area at that time was still strong influence of Sagara Herang Hindu.Maka he began meneybarkan Islam to the surrounding area .
While many initially Cikundul sub Nagari Nagari settlement turned into Mrs. Djajasasana people . A few years before in 1680 the area called Cianjur ( Tsitsanjoer , Tjiandjoer ) . Several historic buildings in Cianjur enough.